Stock Photos of Carlsbad, California

Remains of the old historic "Coast Highway 101", undermined as the bluff upon which it was built eroded away, now broken into pieces of concrete and asphalt blocks and fallen down the sea cliffs, lying on the beach. Carlsbad, California, USA, natural history stock photograph, photo id 22191
Remains of the old historic "Coast Highway 101", undermined as the bluff upon which it was built eroded away, now broken into pieces of concrete and asphalt blocks and fallen down the sea cliffs, lying on the beach. Carlsbad, California, USA

Location: Carlsbad, California
Image ID: 22191
Copyright © Phillip Colla /, all rights reserved worldwide.
This professional quality stock photo can be licensed in high resolution form by contacting the photographer: Phillip Colla,, (760) 707-7153, more info and photographer bio.