Two Male California Sea Lions Mock Jousting in La Jolla Cove, #39847

Two Male California Sea Lions Mock Jousting in La Jolla Cove. These two are not yet full grown and are only mock fighting. Once they grow to full size they will become impressive fighters and have a harem of their own. USA, Zalophus californianus, natural history stock photograph, photo id 39847
Two Male California Sea Lions Mock Jousting in La Jolla Cove. These two are not yet full grown and are only mock fighting. Once they grow to full size they will become impressive fighters and have a harem of their own. USA

Species: California sea lion, Zalophus californianus
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 39847
Hi-Res Dimensions: 5202 x 8324
Format: Digital Panorama 10:16
Copyright © Phillip Colla /, all rights reserved worldwide.
This professional quality stock photo can be licensed in high resolution form by contacting the photographer: Phillip Colla,, (760) 707-7153, more info and photographer bio.