Dragons Mouth, #07311

Dragons Mouth hot spring is a hot spring fronted by a pool churned by steam, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide vapors roiling up through the pool formed in the springs cavernous mouth.  Mud Volcano area. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, natural history stock photograph, photo id 07311
Dragons Mouth hot spring is a hot spring fronted by a pool churned by steam, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide vapors roiling up through the pool formed in the springs cavernous mouth. Mud Volcano area. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA

This image is featured in: Visiting Yellowstone National Park

Location: Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Image ID: 07311
Format: Digital 2:3
Copyright © Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com, all rights reserved worldwide.
This professional quality stock photo can be licensed in high resolution form by contacting the photographer: Phillip Colla, photos@oceanlight.com, (760) 707-7153, more info and photographer bio.