Stock Photos of Wakaya Island

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Sunset light and acropora table coral on pristine tropical reef. Table coral competes for space on the coral reef by growing above and spreading over other coral species keeping them from receiving sunlight, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Sunset light and acropora table coral on pristine tropical reef. Table coral competes for space on the coral reef by growing above and spreading over other coral species keeping them from receiving sunlight.
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31315  
Sea fan gorgonian and schooling Anthias on pristine and beautiful coral reef, Fiji, Gorgonacea, Pseudanthias, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Sea fan gorgonian and schooling Anthias on pristine and beautiful coral reef, Fiji.
Species: Anthias, Gorgonian, Gorgonacea, Pseudanthias
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31311  
Staghorn coral on pristine Fijian coral reef, Acropora palifera, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Staghorn coral on pristine Fijian coral reef.
Species: Staghorn coral, Acropora palifera
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31394  
Coral reefscape in Fiji. Stony corals, such as the various species in this image, grow a calcium carbonate skeleton which they leave behind when they die. Over years, this deposit of calcium carbonate builds up the foundation of the coral reef. Fiji, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Coral reefscape in Fiji. Stony corals, such as the various species in this image, grow a calcium carbonate skeleton which they leave behind when they die. Over years, this deposit of calcium carbonate builds up the foundation of the coral reef. Fiji.
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31393  
Red Gorgonian and Yellow Crinoid on Coral Reef, Fiji, Crinoidea, Gorgonacea, Tubastrea micrantha, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Red Gorgonian and Yellow Crinoid on Coral Reef, Fiji.
Species: Black sun coral, Crinoid feather star, Gorgonian, Crinoidea, Gorgonacea, Tubastrea micrantha
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31395  
Yellow crinoid, green fan coral and red gorgonian on colorful and pristine coral reef, Fiji, Crinoidea, Gorgonacea, Tubastrea micrantha, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Yellow crinoid, green fan coral and red gorgonian on colorful and pristine coral reef, Fiji.
Species: Black sun coral, Crinoid feather star, Gorgonian, Crinoidea, Gorgonacea, Tubastrea micrantha
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31396  
Sea fan gorgonian and schooling Anthias on pristine and beautiful coral reef, Fiji, Gorgonacea, Pseudanthias, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Sea fan gorgonian and schooling Anthias on pristine and beautiful coral reef, Fiji.
Species: Anthias, Gorgonian, Gorgonacea, Pseudanthias
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31397  
Plexauridae sea fan gorgonian and schooling Anthias on pristine and beautiful coral reef, Fiji, Gorgonacea, Plexauridae, Pseudanthias, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Plexauridae sea fan gorgonian and schooling Anthias on pristine and beautiful coral reef, Fiji.
Species: Anthias, Gorgonian, Sea fan, Gorgonacea, Plexauridae, Pseudanthias
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31350  
Crinoids (feather stars) on hard corals, with anthias fish schooling in ocean currents, Fiji, Crinoidea, Pseudanthias, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Crinoids (feather stars) on hard corals, with anthias fish schooling in ocean currents, Fiji.
Species: Anthias, Crinoid feather star, Crinoidea, Pseudanthias
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31432  
Plexauridae sea fan gorgonian and schooling Anthias on pristine and beautiful coral reef, Fiji, Gorgonacea, Plexauridae, Pseudanthias, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Plexauridae sea fan gorgonian and schooling Anthias on pristine and beautiful coral reef, Fiji.
Species: Anthias, Gorgonian, Sea fan, Gorgonacea, Plexauridae, Pseudanthias
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31440  
Sea fan gorgonian and schooling Anthias on pristine and beautiful coral reef, Fiji, Gorgonacea, Plexauridae, Pseudanthias, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Sea fan gorgonian and schooling Anthias on pristine and beautiful coral reef, Fiji.
Species: Anthias, Gorgonian, Sea fan, Gorgonacea, Plexauridae, Pseudanthias
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31538  
Sea fan gorgonian and schooling Anthias on pristine and beautiful coral reef, Fiji, Gorgonacea, Plexauridae, Pseudanthias, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Sea fan gorgonian and schooling Anthias on pristine and beautiful coral reef, Fiji.
Species: Anthias, Gorgonian, Sea fan, Gorgonacea, Plexauridae, Pseudanthias
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31539  
Staghorn coral Acropora palifera on pristine Fijian coral reef, Acropora palifera, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Staghorn coral Acropora palifera on pristine Fijian coral reef.
Species: Staghorn coral, Acropora palifera
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31540  
Acropora table coral (left) and Staghorn Coral (Acropora palifera, right) on pristine tropical reef. Table coral competes for space on the coral reef by growing above and spreading over other coral species keeping them from receiving sunlight, Acropora palifera, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Acropora table coral (left) and Staghorn Coral (Acropora palifera, right) on pristine tropical reef. Table coral competes for space on the coral reef by growing above and spreading over other coral species keeping them from receiving sunlight.
Species: Staghorn coral, Table coral, Acropora palifera
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31541  
SCUBA diver over pristine South Pacific coral reef, Fiji, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
SCUBA diver over pristine South Pacific coral reef, Fiji.
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31542  
Bigscale Soldierfish, Myripristis berndti, Fiji, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Bigscale Soldierfish, Myripristis berndti, Fiji.
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31543  
Plexauridae sea fan gorgonian and schooling Anthias on pristine and beautiful coral reef, Fiji, Gorgonacea, Plexauridae, Pseudanthias, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Plexauridae sea fan gorgonian and schooling Anthias on pristine and beautiful coral reef, Fiji.
Species: Anthias, Gorgonian, Sea fan, Gorgonacea, Plexauridae, Pseudanthias
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31544  
Crinoids (feather stars) on hard corals, with anthias fish schooling in ocean currents, Fiji, Crinoidea, Pseudanthias, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Crinoids (feather stars) on hard corals, with anthias fish schooling in ocean currents, Fiji.
Species: Anthias, Crinoid feather star, Crinoidea, Pseudanthias
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31545  
Enormous pristine 1000-year-old Porites coral head, boulder coral, Fiji, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Enormous pristine 1000-year-old Porites coral head, boulder coral, Fiji.
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31546  
Plexauridae Gorgonian Sea Fan on Coral Reef, Fiji, Crinoidea, Gorgonacea, Plexauridae, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Plexauridae Gorgonian Sea Fan on Coral Reef, Fiji.
Species: Crinoid feather star, Gorgonian, Sea fan, Crinoidea, Gorgonacea, Plexauridae
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31547  
Enormous pristine 1000-year-old Porites coral head, boulder coral, Fiji, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Enormous pristine 1000-year-old Porites coral head, boulder coral, Fiji.
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31548  
Acropora table coral on pristine tropical reef. Table coral competes for space on the coral reef by growing above and spreading over other coral species keeping them from receiving sunlight, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Acropora table coral on pristine tropical reef. Table coral competes for space on the coral reef by growing above and spreading over other coral species keeping them from receiving sunlight.
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31549  
SCUBA diver over pristine South Pacific coral reef, Fiji, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
SCUBA diver over pristine South Pacific coral reef, Fiji.
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31550  
Sea fan gorgonian and schooling Anthias on pristine and beautiful coral reef, Fiji, Gorgonacea, Plexauridae, Pseudanthias, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Sea fan gorgonian and schooling Anthias on pristine and beautiful coral reef, Fiji.
Species: Anthias, Gorgonian, Sea fan, Gorgonacea, Plexauridae, Pseudanthias
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31551  
Sea fan gorgonian and schooling Anthias on pristine and beautiful coral reef, Fiji, Gorgonacea, Plexauridae, Pseudanthias, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Sea fan gorgonian and schooling Anthias on pristine and beautiful coral reef, Fiji.
Species: Anthias, Gorgonian, Sea fan, Gorgonacea, Plexauridae, Pseudanthias
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31552  
Acropora table coral (left) and Staghorn Coral (Acropora palifera, right) on pristine tropical reef. Table coral competes for space on the coral reef by growing above and spreading over other coral species keeping them from receiving sunlight, Acropora palifera, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Acropora table coral (left) and Staghorn Coral (Acropora palifera, right) on pristine tropical reef. Table coral competes for space on the coral reef by growing above and spreading over other coral species keeping them from receiving sunlight.
Species: Staghorn coral, Table coral, Acropora palifera
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31553  
Acropora table coral on pristine tropical reef. Table coral competes for space on the coral reef by growing above and spreading over other coral species keeping them from receiving sunlight, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Acropora table coral on pristine tropical reef. Table coral competes for space on the coral reef by growing above and spreading over other coral species keeping them from receiving sunlight.
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31554  
Sunset light and acropora table coral on pristine tropical reef. Table coral competes for space on the coral reef by growing above and spreading over other coral species keeping them from receiving sunlight, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Sunset light and acropora table coral on pristine tropical reef. Table coral competes for space on the coral reef by growing above and spreading over other coral species keeping them from receiving sunlight.
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31555  
Various hard corals on pristine Fijian coral reef, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Various hard corals on pristine Fijian coral reef.
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31736  
Damselfish find protection within the branches of a hard coral, Fiji, Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago
Damselfish find protection within the branches of a hard coral, Fiji.
Location: Wakaya Island, Lomaiviti Archipelago, Fiji
Image ID: 31737  
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All photographs copyright © Phillip Colla /, all rights reserved worldwide.