Large Adult Male California Sea Lion Bull Underwater, Mexico. His sagittal crest, the prominent bump on the top of his head, is clearly seen. A few bubbles trail behind him because he typically barks underwater as he swims. This bull had assembled a large group of adult females and remained in a 75-yard stretch of rocky shoreline to guard them from other males. Here he is seen patrolling the underwater perimeter of his harem territory, something he does often.
Species: California sea lion, Zalophus californianus
Location: Coronado Islands (Islas Coronado), Baja California, Mexico
Image ID: 39986
Two giant black sea bass swim in a courtship circle, part of a larger gathering of a mating aggregation amid kelp forest, Catalina Island. In summer months, black seabass gather in kelp forests in California to form mating aggregations. Courtship behaviors include circling of pairs of giant sea bass, production of booming sounds by presumed males, and nudging of females by males in what is though to be an effort to encourage spawning.
Species: Giant black sea bass, Stereolepis gigas
Location: Catalina Island, California
Image ID: 33357
Two Giant black sea bass hover in the kelp forest as a courting pair, part of a larger mating aggregation at Catalina Island. In summer months, giant black seabass gather in kelp forests in California to form mating aggregations leading to spawning. Courtship behaviors include circling of pairs of giant sea bass, production of booming sounds by presumed males, and nudging of females by males in what is though to be an effort to encourage spawning.
Species: Giant black sea bass, Stereolepis gigas
Location: Catalina Island, California
Image ID: 33360
Five giant black sea bass in a mating and courtship aggregation in the kelp forest at Catalina Island. In summer months, black seabass gather in kelp forests in California to form mating aggregations leading to spawning. Courtship behaviors include circling of pairs of giant sea bass, production of booming sounds by presumed males, and nudging of females by males in what is though to be an effort to encourage spawning.
Species: Giant black sea bass, Stereolepis gigas
Location: Catalina Island, California
Image ID: 33361
Two Giant sea bass comprise a courting pair as part of a larger mating aggregation amid the kelp forest at Catalina Island. In summer months, giant seabass gather in kelp forests in California to form mating aggregations leading to spawning. Courtship behaviors include circling of pairs of giant sea bass, production of booming sounds by presumed males, and nudging of females by males in what is though to be an effort to encourage spawning.
Species: Giant black sea bass, Stereolepis gigas
Location: Catalina Island, California
Image ID: 33362
A male giant sea bass nudges a female giant sea bass to encourage spawning as they swim in a tight circle. This courting pair of giant sea bass is deep in the kelp forest at Catalina Island. In summer months, giant sea bass gather in kelp forests in California to form courtship and mating aggregations, eventually leading to spawning.
Species: Giant black sea bass, Stereolepis gigas
Location: Catalina Island, California
Image ID: 33364
Beautiful golden-brown adult female California Sea Lion, resting on rocks in the morning sun, La Jolla, catching a little splash from a wave breaking on the reef just behind her.
Species: California Sea Lion, Zalophus californianus
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 37528
Male elk bugling during the fall rut. Large male elk are known as bulls. Male elk have large antlers which are shed each year. Male elk engage in competitive mating behaviors during the rut, including posturing, antler wrestling and bugling, a loud series of screams which is intended to establish dominance over other males and attract females.
Species: Elk, Cervus canadensis
Location: Madison River, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Image ID: 19700
Bull elk in sage brush with large rack of antlers during the fall rut (mating season). This bull elk has sparred with other bulls to establish his harem of females with which he hopes to mate.
Species: Elk, Cervus canadensis
Location: Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Image ID: 19718
Sea otters mating. The male holds the female's head or nose with his jaws during copulation. Visible scars are often present on females from this behavior. Sea otters have a polygynous mating system. Many males actively defend territories and will mate with females that inhabit their territory or seek out females in estrus if no territory is established. Males and females typically bond for the duration of estrus, or about 3 days.
Species: Sea otter, Enhydra lutris
Location: Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, Moss Landing, California
Image ID: 21606
Garibaldi maintains a patch of orange algae (just in front of the fish) to entice a female to lay a clutch of eggs, Farnsworth Banks, Catalina Island.
Species: Garibaldi, Hypsypops rubicundus
Location: Catalina Island, California
Image ID: 37255
Male elephant seals (bulls) rear up on their foreflippers and fight for territory and harems of females. Bull elephant seals will haul out and fight from December through March, nearly fasting the entire time as they maintain their territory and harem. They bite and tear at each other on the neck and shoulders, drawing blood and creating scars on the tough hides. Sandy beach rookery, winter, Central California.
Species: Elephant seal, Mirounga angustirostris
Location: Piedras Blancas, San Simeon, California
Image ID: 15394