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Bald eagle in flight, snow covered beach and Kachemak Bay in background, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Haliaeetus leucocephalus washingtoniensis, Homer, Alaska
Bald eagle in flight, snow covered beach and Kachemak Bay in background.
Species: Bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Haliaeetus leucocephalus washingtoniensis
Location: Kachemak Bay, Homer, Alaska
Image ID: 22592  
House sparrow, breeding male, Passer domesticus, Amado, Arizona
House sparrow, breeding male.
Species: House sparrow, Passer domesticus
Location: Amado, Arizona
Image ID: 22945  
Ancient bristlecone pine tree, rising above the arid, dolomite-rich slopes of the Schulman Grove in the White Mountains at an elevation of 9500 above sea level, along the Methuselah Walk.  The oldest bristlecone pines in the world are found in the Schulman Grove, some of them over 4700 years old. Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, Pinus longaeva, White Mountains, Inyo National Forest
Ancient bristlecone pine tree, rising above the arid, dolomite-rich slopes of the Schulman Grove in the White Mountains at an elevation of 9500 above sea level, along the Methuselah Walk. The oldest bristlecone pines in the world are found in the Schulman Grove, some of them over 4700 years old. Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest.
Species: Bristlecone pine, Pinus longaeva
Location: White Mountains, Inyo National Forest, California
Image ID: 23233  
Golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos
Golden eagle.
Species: Golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos
Image ID: 12210  
Sol Duc Falls.  Sol Duc Falls is one of the largest and most beautiful waterfalls in Olympic National Park, seen here from a bridge that crosses the canyon just below the falls. Surrounding the falls is an old-growth forest of hemlocks and douglas firs, some of which are three hundred years in age, Sol Duc Springs
Sol Duc Falls. Sol Duc Falls is one of the largest and most beautiful waterfalls in Olympic National Park, seen here from a bridge that crosses the canyon just below the falls. Surrounding the falls is an old-growth forest of hemlocks and douglas firs, some of which are three hundred years in age.
Location: Sol Duc Springs, Olympic National Park, Washington
Image ID: 13747  
Brown bear cubs.  These cubs are one and a half years old and have yet to leave their mother.  They will be on their own and have to fend for themselves next summer, Ursus arctos, Lake Clark National Park, Alaska
Brown bear cubs. These cubs are one and a half years old and have yet to leave their mother. They will be on their own and have to fend for themselves next summer.
Species: Brown bear, Ursus arctos
Location: Lake Clark National Park, Alaska
Image ID: 19150  
Coastal brown bear cub, one and a half years old, near Johnson River.  This cub will remain with its mother for about another six months, and will be on its own next year, Ursus arctos, Lake Clark National Park, Alaska
Coastal brown bear cub, one and a half years old, near Johnson River. This cub will remain with its mother for about another six months, and will be on its own next year.
Species: Brown bear, Ursus arctos
Location: Johnson River, Lake Clark National Park, Alaska
Image ID: 19159  
Coastal brown bear cub, one and a half years old, near Johnson River.  This cub will remain with its mother for about another six months, and will be on its own next year, Ursus arctos, Lake Clark National Park, Alaska
Coastal brown bear cub, one and a half years old, near Johnson River. This cub will remain with its mother for about another six months, and will be on its own next year.
Species: Brown bear, Ursus arctos
Location: Johnson River, Lake Clark National Park, Alaska
Image ID: 19199  
California brown pelican in flight, soaring over the ocean with its huge wings outstretched.  The wingspan of the brown pelican can be over 7 feet wide. The California race of the brown pelican holds endangered species status.  Adult winter non-breeding plumage showing white hindneck and red gular throat pouch, Pelecanus occidentalis, Pelecanus occidentalis californicus, La Jolla
California brown pelican in flight, soaring over the ocean with its huge wings outstretched. The wingspan of the brown pelican can be over 7 feet wide. The California race of the brown pelican holds endangered species status. Adult winter non-breeding plumage showing white hindneck and red gular throat pouch.
Species: Brown Pelican, Pelecanus occidentalis, Pelecanus occidentalis californicus
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 20083  
Northern fur seal swims through the cold waters and kelp forest of San Miguel Island, in California's northern Channel Islands, Callorhinus ursinus
Northern fur seal swims through the cold waters and kelp forest of San Miguel Island, in California's northern Channel Islands.
Species: Northern fur seal, Callorhinus ursinus
Location: San Miguel Island, California
Image ID: 00966  
A neonate gray whale calf, born just hours before, still exhbiting embryonic folds in the skin along its side.  This baby gray whale was born in the cold waters of Big Sur, far to the north of the Mexican lagoons of Baja California where most gray whale births take place, Eschrichtius robustus, Monterey
A neonate gray whale calf, born just hours before, still exhbiting embryonic folds in the skin along its side. This baby gray whale was born in the cold waters of Big Sur, far to the north of the Mexican lagoons of Baja California where most gray whale births take place.
Species: Gray whale, Eschrichtius robustus
Location: Monterey, California
Image ID: 01135  
Ancient Bristlecone Pine Tree at night, stars and the Milky Way galaxy visible in the evening sky, near Patriarch Grove, Pinus longaeva, Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, White Mountains, Inyo National Forest
Ancient Bristlecone Pine Tree at night, stars and the Milky Way galaxy visible in the evening sky, near Patriarch Grove.
Species: Ancient bristlecone pine, Pinus longaeva
Location: Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, White Mountains, Inyo National Forest, California
Image ID: 28786  
Goldfish Point and La Jolla Caves aerial photograph, La Jolla
Goldfish Point and La Jolla Caves aerial photograph, La Jolla.
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 38034  
Panorama dimensions: 5612 x 11025
Ancient bristlecone pine trees in Patriarch Grove, display characteristic gnarled, twisted form as it rises above the arid, dolomite-rich slopes of the White Mountains at 11000-foot elevation. Patriarch Grove, Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, Pinus longaeva, White Mountains, Inyo National Forest
Ancient bristlecone pine trees in Patriarch Grove, display characteristic gnarled, twisted form as it rises above the arid, dolomite-rich slopes of the White Mountains at 11000-foot elevation. Patriarch Grove, Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest.
Species: Ancient bristlecone pine, Pinus longaeva
Location: White Mountains, Inyo National Forest, California
Image ID: 28526  
A beautiful golden-brown female California Sea Lion at the Coronado Islands, Baja California, Mexico.  The huge male bull that formed the harem of which she was a part allowed her to hang out with me for a while, even while he continued patrolling just over my head, Zalophus californianus, Coronado Islands (Islas Coronado)
A beautiful golden-brown female California Sea Lion at the Coronado Islands, Baja California, Mexico. The huge male bull that formed the harem of which she was a part allowed her to hang out with me for a while, even while he continued patrolling just over my head.
Species: California Sea Lion, Zalophus californianus
Location: Coronado Islands (Islas Coronado), Baja California, Mexico
Image ID: 37318  
California brown pelican in flight. The wingspan of the brown pelican is over 7 feet wide. The California race of the brown pelican holds endangered species status. In winter months, breeding adults assume a dramatic plumage, Pelecanus occidentalis, Pelecanus occidentalis californicus, La Jolla
California brown pelican in flight. The wingspan of the brown pelican is over 7 feet wide. The California race of the brown pelican holds endangered species status. In winter months, breeding adults assume a dramatic plumage.
Species: Brown Pelican, Pelecanus occidentalis, Pelecanus occidentalis californicus
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 28968  
Hickman Bridge, Capitol Reef National Park
Hickman Bridge, Capitol Reef National Park.
Location: Capitol Reef National Park, Utah
Image ID: 37011  
Parasitic zoanthid anemones cover and encrust and overwhelm a golden gorgonian, Catalina Head, Parazoanthus lucificum, Savalia lucifica, Catalina Island, California
Parasitic zoanthid anemones cover and encrust and overwhelm a golden gorgonian, Catalina Head.
Species: Luminescent parazoanthid, Zoanthid anemone, Parazoanthus lucificum, Savalia lucifica
Location: Catalina Island, California
Image ID: 37293  
Milky Way over Ancient Bristlecone Pine Trees, Inyo National Forest, Pinus longaeva, Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, White Mountains, Inyo National Forest
Milky Way over Ancient Bristlecone Pine Trees, Inyo National Forest.
Species: Bristlecone pine, Pinus longaeva
Location: Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, White Mountains, Inyo National Forest, California
Image ID: 29318  
California brown pelican in flight. The wingspan of the brown pelican is over 7 feet wide. The California race of the brown pelican holds endangered species status. In winter months, breeding adults assume a dramatic plumage, Pelecanus occidentalis, Pelecanus occidentalis californicus, La Jolla
California brown pelican in flight. The wingspan of the brown pelican is over 7 feet wide. The California race of the brown pelican holds endangered species status. In winter months, breeding adults assume a dramatic plumage.
Species: Brown Pelican, Pelecanus occidentalis, Pelecanus occidentalis californicus
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 29086  
Bald eagle in flight, sidelit, cloudy sky and Kenai Mountains in the background, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Haliaeetus leucocephalus washingtoniensis, Kachemak Bay, Homer, Alaska
Bald eagle in flight, sidelit, cloudy sky and Kenai Mountains in the background.
Species: Bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Haliaeetus leucocephalus washingtoniensis
Location: Kachemak Bay, Homer, Alaska
Image ID: 22596  
Bald eagle in flight, snow falling, trees and Kenai Mountains in background, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Haliaeetus leucocephalus washingtoniensis, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Bald eagle in flight, snow falling, trees and Kenai Mountains in background.
Species: Bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Haliaeetus leucocephalus washingtoniensis
Location: Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Image ID: 22598  
Brown pelican, golden sunrise light, winter adult breeding plumage, showing bright red gular pouch and dark brown hindneck plumage of breeding adults. This large seabird has a wingspan over 7 feet wide. The California race of the brown pelican holds endangered species status, due largely to predation in the early 1900s and to decades of poor reproduction caused by DDT poisoning, Pelecanus occidentalis, Pelecanus occidentalis californicus, La Jolla
Brown pelican, golden sunrise light, winter adult breeding plumage, showing bright red gular pouch and dark brown hindneck plumage of breeding adults. This large seabird has a wingspan over 7 feet wide. The California race of the brown pelican holds endangered species status, due largely to predation in the early 1900s and to decades of poor reproduction caused by DDT poisoning.
Species: Brown Pelican, Pelecanus occidentalis, Pelecanus occidentalis californicus
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 23624  
Brown pelican in flight.  The wingspan of the brown pelican is over 7 feet wide. The California race of the brown pelican holds endangered species status.  In winter months, breeding adults assume a dramatic plumage, Pelecanus occidentalis, Pelecanus occidentalis californicus, La Jolla
Brown pelican in flight. The wingspan of the brown pelican is over 7 feet wide. The California race of the brown pelican holds endangered species status. In winter months, breeding adults assume a dramatic plumage.
Species: Brown Pelican, Pelecanus occidentalis, Pelecanus occidentalis californicus
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 15125  
California brown pelican in flight, soaring over the ocean with its huge wings outstretched.  Adult winter breeding plumage.  The wingspan of the brown pelican can be over 7 feet wide. The California race of the brown pelican holds endangered species status.  Adult winter breeding plumage showing brown hindneck and red gular throat pouch, Pelecanus occidentalis, Pelecanus occidentalis californicus, La Jolla
California brown pelican in flight, soaring over the ocean with its huge wings outstretched. Adult winter breeding plumage. The wingspan of the brown pelican can be over 7 feet wide. The California race of the brown pelican holds endangered species status. Adult winter breeding plumage showing brown hindneck and red gular throat pouch.
Species: Brown Pelican, Pelecanus occidentalis, Pelecanus occidentalis californicus
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 20073  
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Research Pier at night, lit with stars in the sky, old La Jolla town in the distance
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Research Pier at night, lit with stars in the sky, old La Jolla town in the distance.
Location: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California
Image ID: 28451  
Aerial photo of the San Rafael Reef at dawn.  A fold in the Earth's crust leads to this inclined section of the San Rafael Reef, at the eastern edge of the San Rafael Swell.  Clearly seen are the characteristic triangular flatiron erosion patterns that typical this formation. The colors seen here arise primarily from Navajo and Wingate sandstone
Aerial photo of the San Rafael Reef at dawn. A fold in the Earth's crust leads to this inclined section of the San Rafael Reef, at the eastern edge of the San Rafael Swell. Clearly seen are the characteristic triangular flatiron erosion patterns that typical this formation. The colors seen here arise primarily from Navajo and Wingate sandstone.
Location: Utah
Image ID: 39784  
Parasitic zoanthid anemones cover and encrust and overwhelm a golden gorgonian, Catalina Head, Parazoanthus lucificum, Savalia lucifica, Catalina Island, California
Parasitic zoanthid anemones cover and encrust and overwhelm a golden gorgonian, Catalina Head.
Species: Luminescent parazoanthid, Zoanthid anemone, Parazoanthus lucificum, Savalia lucifica
Location: Catalina Island, California
Image ID: 37294  
Blotcheye soldierfish and Clipperton Island coral reef, Porites sp, Porites arnaudi, Porites lobata
Blotcheye soldierfish and Clipperton Island coral reef, Porites sp.
Species: Porites arnaudi, Porites lobata
Location: Clipperton Island, France
Image ID: 32951  
Brown pelican in flight. The wingspan of the brown pelican is over 7 feet wide. The California race of the brown pelican holds endangered species status. In winter months, breeding adults assume a dramatic plumage, Pelecanus occidentalis, Pelecanus occidentalis californicus, La Jolla
Brown pelican in flight. The wingspan of the brown pelican is over 7 feet wide. The California race of the brown pelican holds endangered species status. In winter months, breeding adults assume a dramatic plumage.
Species: Brown Pelican, Pelecanus occidentalis, Pelecanus occidentalis californicus
Location: La Jolla, California
Image ID: 28962  
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