Macaroni penguin, on the rocky shoreline of Hercules Bay, South Georgia Island. One of the crested penguin species, the macaroni penguin bears a distinctive yellow crest on its head. They grow to be about 12 lb and 28" high. Macaroni penguins eat primarily krill and other crustaceans, small fishes and cephalopods.
Species: Macaroni penguin, Eudyptes chrysolophus
Location: Hercules Bay, South Georgia Island
Image ID: 24426
King penguin colony, over 100,000 nesting pairs, viewed from above. The brown patches are groups of 'oakum boys', juveniles in distinctive brown plumage. Salisbury Plain, Bay of Isles, South Georgia Island.
Species: King penguin, Aptenodytes patagonicus
Location: Salisbury Plain, South Georgia Island
Image ID: 24447
Oakum boys, juvenile king penguins at Salisbury Plain, South Georgia Island. Named 'oakum boys' by sailors for the resemblance of their brown fluffy plumage to the color of oakum used to caulk timbers on sailing ships, these year-old penguins will soon shed their fluffy brown plumage and adopt the colors of an adult.
Species: King penguin, Aptenodytes patagonicus
Location: Salisbury Plain, South Georgia Island
Image ID: 24455
Juvenile 'oakum boy' penguin begs for food, which the adult will regurgitate from its stomach after foraging at sea. This scene plays out thousands of times each hour amid the vast king penguin colony at Salisbury Plain, where over 100,000 pairs of king penguins nest and rear their chicks.
Species: King penguin, Aptenodytes patagonicus
Location: Salisbury Plain, South Georgia Island
Image ID: 24395
King penguin colony at Salisbury Plain, Bay of Isles, South Georgia Island. Over 100,000 pairs of king penguins nest here, laying eggs in December and February, then alternating roles between foraging for food and caring for the egg or chick.
Species: King penguin, Aptenodytes patagonicus
Location: Salisbury Plain, South Georgia Island
Image ID: 24396
Juvenile 'oakum boy' penguin begs for food, which the adult will regurgitate from its stomach after foraging at sea. This scene plays out thousands of times each hour amid the vast king penguin colony at Salisbury Plain, where over 100,000 pairs of king penguins nest and rear their chicks.
Species: King penguin, Aptenodytes patagonicus
Location: Salisbury Plain, South Georgia Island
Image ID: 24432