Bull elk, antlers bearing velvet, Gibbon Meadow. Elk are the most abundant large mammal found in Yellowstone National Park. More than 30,000 elk from 8 different herds summer in Yellowstone and approximately 15,000 to 22,000 winter in the park. Bulls grow antlers annually from the time they are nearly one year old. When mature, a bulls rack may have 6 to 8 points or tines on each side and weigh more than 30 pounds. The antlers are shed in March or April and begin regrowing in May, when the bony growth is nourished by blood vessels and covered by furry-looking velvet. Gibbon Meadows, Wyoming, USA
Cervus canadensisLocation:
Gibbon Meadows,
Yellowstone National Park,
WyomingImage ID:
13200Format: Digital 2:3
Copyright © Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com, all rights reserved worldwide.
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