Coastal resort development near Cabo San Lucas aerial photograph

Punta Ballena, Faro Cabesa Ballena (foreground), Medano Beach and Land's End (distance). Residential and resort development along the coast near Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Baja California, natural history stock photograph, photo id 28929
Punta Ballena, Faro Cabesa Ballena (foreground), Medano Beach and Land's End (distance). Residential and resort development along the coast near Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Baja California

Location: Cabo San Lucas, Baja California, Mexico
Image ID: 28929
Format: Digital 1.72:1
Copyright © Phillip Colla /, all rights reserved worldwide.
This professional quality stock photo can be licensed in high resolution form by contacting the photographer: Phillip Colla,, (760) 707-7153, more info and photographer bio.